Posts by Dr. Laurie Coger

A Pill for Fleas and Ticks?

A Pill for Fleas and Ticks?

Fleas and ticks top the list of bugs we hate around our pets and ourselves. We’ll do anything to prevent...

Band Aids Don’t Fix Bullet Holes

Band Aids Don’t Fix Bullet Holes

No, this is not a blog about Taylor Swift. And I’m sorry for putting that song in your head. But...

Feeding the Food Allergic Dog — Naturally??

Feeding the Food Allergic Dog — Naturally??

My daily dose of inspiration arrived today, in the form of an advertisement in a veterinary publication from the Blue...

Biology, Physiology, and Dog Food?

Biology, Physiology, and Dog Food?

Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological...

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