The Healthy Dog Workshop

What to Do When You Are Out of Dog Food

It’s happened to us all — and it is happening more frequently now with supply chain shortages. We suddenly find...

Who Said Chocolate Can Be Safe For Dogs?

Who Said Chocolate Can Be Safe For Dogs?

And dark chocolate, at that! Carmela Stamper, D.V.M., a veterinarian at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), recently was...

Why Do My Fellow Vets Not Get It?

Why Do My Fellow Vets Not Get It?

It’s been a week. A week of watching various sources spread inflammatory information, misleading information, and in some cases downright...

Would You Choose Fresh Food Over Manufactured?

Would You Choose Fresh Food Over Manufactured?

A recent survey reported in Pet Food Industry Magazine revealed current consumer pet food choices, with an interesting twist. As...

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