Two Books Every Dog Owner Must Read
As I typed this title, I was struck by how infrequently we go to books for information. We pull out our tablet or phone, or run to the computer to search for information. Sometimes this results in accurate information, oftentimes not. Sometimes a staggering number of results come up (about 179,000,000 in 0.30 seconds for dog cancer). We then make our searches more and more detailed, only to realize that two hours have passed and we are more confused by what we’ve found than before.
I’m writing this blog to simplify things for you, the dedicated, wanting to learn more and do the best for your dog, dog owner. The three things you are most likely to ask me about are vaccinating your dog, feeding your dog, and treating your dog’s cancer. For the first, I recommend my book — look for more about that in a future blog.
For the second, feeding your dog, you need Nutrigenomics – the New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimal Health, by Dr. Jean Dodds and Dina Laverdure. Don’t be scared that this book is too scientific to be easily understood! The authors clearly explain how your dog’s food affects the body at the cellular level, and how that results in disease or health. They cover how to design your dog’s base diet, as well as how to address common health conditions. The final section of the book shows you how to apply what you’ve learned to your individual lifestyle and situation. This makes it easy to stay on track for your dog’s entire life. What I love most about this book is the superior organization, with key points clearly marked, and a concise summary of important concepts at the end of each chapter. Case reports also make it easy to understand how the theory integrates into real life situations.
Cancer is one of the most feared conditions dog owners face. You might think a book about dealing with it would be a very depressing read. But in fact, quite the opposite is true! The Dog Cancer Survival Guide should be in the hands of every person who faces this diagnosis with their dog. It is written by Dr. Damien Dressler, a veterinarian based in Hawaii, and Dr. Susan Ettinger, a renowned veterinary oncologist in New York. Together, they cover both alternative and conventional approaches, and help you clearly understand cancer stages, treatment options, and more. The concept of full spectrum cancer care — combining conventional treatments, nutraceuticals, immune support, diet management, and more — in an individualized treatment plan stacks the odds in the dog’s favor for the best possible results. Should you face cancer with your dog, this book will help you understand and make informed, confident decisions every step of the way.
I find myself referring to and recommending these books almost daily in my practice. Add them to your collection by following the links above, either in paperback or eBook format. Want to see more of my recommendations? Check out the Wholistic Vet Bookshelf on Amazon.